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Scholarly workflow flexibility

The platform enables publishers to manage their peer review workflows across journal portfolios, book projects, conference proceedings, grant applications, etc.

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The project

Submission- and peer review platforms suffer from slowed innovation. Most of the options are built on +20 year-old architecture, which does not offer the flexibility and UX expected by publishers today.  

Now, the team behind Manuscript Manager is building an ultra-flexible peer review workflow platform, based on modern design principles.   


Finally, get a publisher-centric overview of your journal portfolio. Fine-tune the user experience for authors, reviewers, and editorial teams.


Are you publishing multi-author books? Tailor how a book project comes together, automate author involvement, and steer the publication phases. 

Conferences, grants, etc.? is flexible enough to be used for all your activities that require expert reviewing.

Answers to Your Questions

When will PeerPath be ready? has been under development since 2022. We are currently raising funding to finish the Minimal Viable Product and scale the customer development. We expect to welcome new customers onto by the end of 2025.

Is similar to what we have?

Yes and no. Chances are that your current solution was built for individual journal management – not journal portfolio management. With, you can expect an enterprise solution, built to fit into your publishing tech stack and reduce the complexity of developing and maintaining large amounts of journals, submissions and data.

How can we as publishers participate?

Peerpath is an R&D project we build next to running Manuscript Manager. The project needs funding and close alignment with publishers, to ensure a tight fit. As a mid/large academic publisher, you can influence the project through investment.  

What will cost?

Manuscript Manager is currently priced at $8.50 per manuscript, including everything. With PeerPath, the added value will be immense – so we will not be able to keep Manuscript Manager’s price point. However, we are committed to maintaining a low price to help democratize access to quality peer review technology. 


Manuscript Manager
Kultorvet 11, 2th
1175 Copenhagen K

(+45) 61 30 65 75

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